Bible Journaling – Genesis 1-5
Bible Journaling – Genesis 1-5
I have begun bible journaling, and, because I am OCD, I started at the beginning of the bible instead of skipping around to favorite verses. It will be cool to one day have a bible with every page journaled! This will take years, but I anticipate it will be very rewarding.
I started with the “this bible belongs to” page. The idea of God as a king makes me a princess, which I am more than willing to accept!

I use the Micron Pens and these colored pencils are the very best choice.
In the past, I had trouble remembering exactly what happened on each day of creation. I am sure there is a creative little song lurking on the internet; however, I do not know it. Somehow, journaling these days of creation helps me to remember the order. Animals and humans were created on the same day which always throws me off a little bit.
Genesis 1:27
I love this verse. When you were looking in the mirror and doubting yourself, just remember this verse. Your confidence will be boosted, and your perfect image restored.
Genesis 3:6
That darn snake. I knew I’d never liked snakes. Now they crawl on their bellies and frighten us all, striking at our heels. To think we could’ve had a pain-free birthing experience. Darn that Eve!
Genesis 4:6-7
We should always give our best to the Lord because he always gives his best to us. Everything we have in life is due to him and the Son. In order to show our gratefulness, we need to give with an open heart and give our very best.
Genesis 5 – Beginning Generations
Someday I Anticipate making a family tree for the whole Bible. This is a huge undertaking, and I will not accomplish this task anytime soon. But it would be a fun project to study the genealogy of the Bible.
This covers the first five chapters of Genesis. If you like my journaling, you can join our email chain and receive a document to trace it into your bible journal. Please leave any inspiration in the comments!
Check out the next chapters – Bible Journaling – Genesis 6-12
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