Fabric Covered Boxes
Instead of paying for drawer dividers, baskets, and fabric covered boxes, make them at home! Covering boxes with fabric can allow you to perfectly coordinate and save money.

You can use any box that will fit your needs. If you are using the box for drawer dividers, make sure the drawer can shut with the box inside.
1. Start by measuring the height of your box. Double this measurement and add an inch to know the length of material needed for the sides. I add an extra inch so that you can tuck a little extra under the bottom. For the above example, mine would be 12 inches.
3. Then measure the width. The length and width will tell you how much material is needed to cover the bottom. I suggest drawing a picture! If you are like me, you have an ungodly amount of spirals and notebooks for this exact thing!
4. Now, you can either cut the fabric (I have determined cotton is the best to use. The kind that is used in quilts) in this cross pattern (a 32.5×35 rectangle with 12×12 squares cut out of each corner), or you can cut two rectangles (which would over lap on the bottom).
I found it easier to work with when I cut out two rectangles (32.5×11 and 35×8.5). This was because you could start at the end of the box and run it all the way to the other end instead of trying to line up the rectangle for the bottom and working the sides out from there.
I promise you have gotten through the tough part!! Who knew you would need all that math that you were busy ignoring while you compared Lisa Frank products with your buddies!?
I used Mod Podge to adhere the fabric to the box. You could also use hot glue, but I prefer the Mod Podge because it gives you a little more time to work lining up the fabric before drying (and you are stuck with womper-jawed fabric!). I also like to use my fingers and get a bit dirty! Doing so with hot glue would end in a hospital trip and a very angry husband!

5. Start with the box turned up on its side and line the rectangle (outside side of box) with Mod Podge. Line up the end of your fabric rectangle with the edge of the box (so the fabric continues towards the inside of the box) and stick it down.
6. Then turn the box, fabric covered side down. Line the inside with Mod Podge and lay in the fabric with your continuation of the fabric rectangle.
7. Continue a section of box at a time, lining with Mod Podge aligning fabric with edges, and sticking down. Repeat for adjacent side. That’s all there is to it!!
The end product is great, and I was very pleased. It did take a lot longer than I thought it would. I almost always underestimate the time it will take me to do anything. (Must be over-confident!)